Help with demo
The demo allows you to view everything, but not to post tasks or
Here is a tour to follow. The tasks and flights are real, they have
been taken from the NZ Regional and National competitions held in
Omarama in 2017.
Click on "Select your club" and choose "taskPilot Demo" from the dropdown list.
Click the "Have a look around" button to view the demo club.
Click on 'View tasks'
Tasks can be created by either the club administrator or pilots.
The Select buttons enable you to filter tasks to focus easily on
suitable tasks. They work in combination, so
- Click on the 'Creator' button and select Club tasks.
- Click on 'Select class' and select Tyro.
- To remove a filter, click on its 'Select ...' option.
Now click on the 'details' link at the end of the line. This opens the
Task viewer.
Scroll down to the map area. This uses Google maps to display the task
along with Landouts from the waypoint library.
Zoom in and out using either the mouse scroll wheel or the + and -
buttons in the top right of the map.
Hover over a landout with the cursor and the Landout name
is displayed.
- Click on a Landout to display details about the landout
Hover over the Map button in the top left and click on Terrain.
Click on Satellite. This is particularly useful if
you have zoomed right in to a landout to view the strip in detail.
Scroll to the top of the page and click on Print task to display a
printable version of the task. User the browser print feature - in
Chrome, in the settings options on the top right - to print or create a
pdf of the task.
Use the return buttons to return to the main manu, and click on All
The flights can be filtered using the Select buttons as before.
Choose class Masters and Nationals Day 3
There are three flights, click on the details button at the end of the
line for the Keith Essex flight.
The Flight details page shows data about the flight, including the
header info from the igc file.
Click on Display trace at the bottom.
Zoom into the start area. The blue line is the trace, the green line is
the scoring line as it is an AAT task. This is used to compute the
flight distance for the score.
The menu bar at the top of the map can be used to control the trace
Turn off 'Full' and turn on 'Score'. Only the part of the
flight used for scoring is displayed, this starts at the exit point of
the start circle and finishes at the entry point to the finish circle.
Comparing the Full and score traces, note that Keith made two starts,
and has entered a restart time.
Turn on 'Analysis'. This turns on analysis points
calculated at every 10th logging point in the trace. Hover over these
to show height, speed, vario and time into flight.
Click Back to flight details and then click Compare at the bottom.
This form enables you to comapare two scoring traces. The Select pilot
dropdown shows pilots who have flown the same task, so select one of
those to show the two traces superimposed.
Return to the main menu and click Scoring.
This shows the rules set up by your club for scoring. The class names
are determined by your club, as are the points for distance and speed,
whether handicaps are used, flights to standard and Class type.
Flights to standard sets the initial status for pilot
created tasks. A club created task has a status of 0, making it a
standard task. A pilot created task starts with a status of, for
example -3. Each time it is flown the staus is increased until it
becomes a standard task with a status of 0. The league table is
calculated from a combination of tasks with status of 0 and less than
0, as set by your club.
Class type defines whether the class is used on the league
calulation - 0, or is run seperately - 1. Here the LS4 class is set
with speed points only, as the club LS4 is used for short local tasks.
Return to the main menu and click Profile.
This is the pilot profile, note the options to opt in/out of flights
appearing in the league or in the all flights pages. This enables
pilots to keep their flights private.